Save The Life Of A Child In Your Area

If I only I knew then what I know now.

In that past, I would always see first aid courses advertised in work or online but I very naively thought that I would never need to go to one. I naively thought that nothing would ever happen to my son and I very naively thought that I would never need to know those lifesaving skills. I feel so sad that it took losing Jack for me to understand the severity of viruses and temperatures and the importance of calling 999 and being able to perform CPR in the minutes after a child stops breathing.

After my son Jack dying, providing parents, siblings, carers and the general public with Emergency Paediatric 1st Aid courses is one of Brightest Stars Aims. Together with the very skilled, compassionate and professional Ian MacKay, we have developed a Brightest Star 3 hour (max) Emergency Paediatric 1st Aid course that covers the areas that we see as the most crucial and beneficial to those with a child in a life or death scenario.

From personal experience and the feedback from people who attended last year, I can assure you that by the end of the course, you will be better equipped to save the life of a child should you find yourself in that unfortunate position. You may come to a course and never have to use the skills that you learn, but, you might just be the one person that comes to the course and needs those skills to save the life of your own child.

The feedback from our courses in 2016 was extremely positive so this week I will be planning dates and venues for Scotland in 2017. If you would like to attend a Brightest Star Emergency Paediatric 1st Aid course then please comment on the post below with your area.

Courses are open to anyone who wished to attend, you may wish to come alone, bring your friends, organise one in your workplace, school or community group. Each course can take a maximum of 12 people and a £30 deposit is required to secure your place on the course.  This covers the cost of the trainer and the venue should people not attend on the day. However, should you wish, this is £30 refundable on the day you attend the course.

Be sure to share this post, not just the video with all of your Facebook friends and let’s try to provide as many people as possible with the skills to prevent as many child deaths as we can.


Arlene, Jack’s Mummy xxx


1st aid

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