Daily Record 'Our Hero' Award

Posted 6th February 2014

Thanks to everyone for their messages about today’s story in the Daily Record. I am so honoured to be nominated for such a special award. I would like to say thanks to Amanda for writing such a great story on Brightest Star. Between this and the beautiful Suzi McGuires lovely words on Clyde 1, it really has been a great day for raising awareness of Brightest Star. This all really shows just how far we have came as a charity since 14th Feb 2013.As I said on my personal Facebook today, I am no hero, I am simply just surviving on a day to day basis and there are many days which are dark and sad. All I am trying to do is change the future for other parents who face this horrific journey. I am sure any parent that had the experience that I did would do the exact same thing.

Jack is the real hero, none more so, than for the fight he put in trying to stay alive on the 18th & 19th December 2013. Jack really did fight to the very last minute and he will always be my special little superhero.
This nomination isn’t just about Jack and I, it is about each of you that has followed our story and supported us this year. You are all my hero’s as without the support from each one of you, I would not be able to change the future for bereaved parents and met the aims of Brightest Star.

Click here to read the story

From the bottom of my broken heart, thank you.

Arlene, Jack’s Mummy xxx

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