Support Meetings 2016

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When Jack died, I didn’t know where to turn, I found I very hard to find help anywhere and in a moment of sheer despair, I called a helpline. The horrific experience you hear on this video is exactly why I started Brightest Star, that experience will live with me until the day that I die. Sadly, my experience of telephone helplines was not unique, only today I heard another story almost identical to mine. Due to my own experience, Brightest Star does not have a helpline number for bereaved families and why I would never turn anyone any who has lost a child, at any age, from any cause of death. I will telephone families personally, meet with them, arrange peer support or one to one counselling sessions if they ask me to but I would never take the chance of any parent having the same experience that I did.

Brightest Star offers support groups to parents that have lost a child at any age, from any cause of death. The meetings are very informal and there to provide a space for people to talk about their child and their grief. They allow people the chance to meet others who are sharing similar experiences, thoughts and feelings to them. There are there to let people know that they are not alone.

In Glasgow, our next support meetings are:
Monday 7th November 2016 Level 3, Glasgow Hilton, William Street, 1800-2000
Monday 5th December 2016 - Level 3, Glasgow Hilton, William Street, 1800-2000

In Edinburgh, our next support meeting is:
Wednesday 12th October , Radisson Blue, The Royal Mile, 1800-2000

I am starting a new support group for parents that have bereaved within the last 12-24 months, this will take place on Thursday 13th October and start at 6pm

Brightest Star Office
Pavillion 3 - St James Business Park
2nd Floor
81 Linwood Road

If you know anyone who has lost a child, it doesn’t matter how long ago they lost a son or daughter, what age they were or what they died from, please share this post with them and all your friends. If people don’t know about Brightest Star then we can’t support them. If anyone would like more information on Brightest Stars support meetings, then please feel free to get it touch.

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